Google’s WordPress Vision


More WordPress from GoogleIt’s clear that the WordPress ecosystem is thriving and many are predicting bigger things for the CMS in 2018.

Alberto Medina, who is a Developer Advocate in the Content Ecosystems Team at Google, wrote this on his blog about Google’s interest in WordPress and it’s future.

“At Google we care deeply about the long-term success of the open web: we work on the core technologies and standards that power the web platform, we develop and maintain the Google Chrome browser, and we build tools and frameworks to help developers build amazing experiences on the web — just to name a few. As a result, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that we are also huge fans of WordPress, which enables publishers to easily create and deliver rich web content to users all around the world.
Taking a guess, I would say the above is not a big shock or surprise. However, did you know that Google is also actively engaged and looking for expert WordPress developers to support and accelerate success of the WordPress ecosystem?
Google’s WordPress Vision
The web platform has been evolving rapidly in recent years and it continues to evolve as we speak; the bar for web experiences has been raised significantly. This is reflected by all the buzz around the term Progressive Web Apps, which essentially refers to websites (and web apps) built using the latest capabilities supported by the Web platform; things like Service WorkersPush Notificationsidentity managementsecurity, etc. Similarly, the evolution of the platform defined by the WordPress ecosystem has being evolving as well at an accelerated pace.
The goal of our team is to help bring these two worlds together and work both with the WordPress community and core developers, and the web platform developers to enable amazing user experiences on the web — powered by WordPress.”

This is a pretty amazing testament for WordPress and it’s fans.  I’m exited to see what the future holds for WordPress!


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