9 Best WordPress List Building Plugins in 2018


If you don’t already have an email list for your website, you should probably stop everything you’re doing and start building one right now.

Your mailing list – the list of people who have signed up to receive emails from you – is potentially the most valuable asset in your marketing arsenal, and can help you to increase site traffic, build better relationships and trust with your audience, and ultimately make more money.

Email lists are so powerful because they offer an amazing conversion rate compared to other types of online marketing – in fact, email is 40x more effective than social media for acquiring new customers.

Your list is also totally owned by you and under your control. Google changes its algorithms and sends you back to page 10 of the listings? No worries. Facebook decides to start charging for business pages? Who needs Facebook anyway?

Ok so you’re convinced – you need an email list. But how on earth do you get started at building one?

Fear not, as WordPress site owners are spoiled for choice in terms of list building plugins that will do all the hard work for you so you can sit back and let the sign-ups start flying in!

What Do List Building Plugins Do?

All you need to start building an email list is a simple form on your site to capture a visitor’s name and email.

Plugins make it easy to add this form to your site without any coding required and all the data you collect will be added to your WordPress database for easy export or integration with mailing software.

Effective list building plugins also offer extra features to help improve your conversions such as:

  • Pop-ups, slide-ins, and other eye-catching ways to display your sign-up form
  • Functionality to offer opt-in incentives such as a free e-book
  • Reporting so you can see how well your forms are performing

Looking for a plugin that offers all of this and more? Read on for a summary of some of the best list building plugins for WordPress:

1. Thrive Leads

Thrive Leads is considered by many to be the gold standard of list building plugins and it offers pretty much any feature you could possibly want, along with unlimited customization options.

This is a premium plugin but it’s actually great value for money considering all the functionality that you get, and it’s cheaper than several of the other premium options.

One of the great things about this plugin is that it’s designed specifically for WordPress users by the team behind Thrive Themes, so you know it’s a quality plugin that’s not going to slow your site down like some other generic solutions that aren’t built for WordPress in particular.

Read the rest of the article at WpHacks.com.


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